The facts about facts

There has been debate for centuries concerning the nature of facts. My preferred account is that facts are what is the case. They are bits of reality. Note that I did not limit facts to physical bits of reality. That would be to assume physicalism. I do not want to make that ontological assumption. Indeed, I am inclined to deny physicalism.

Facts are truth makers. This much I am confident about. Take a proposition, for example, that snow is white. What makes this proposition true? It is the fact that snow is white; it is the bit of reality that is snow’s being white.

We’ve lost ourselves in a sea of claims with no foundation in facts. This fluid picture of reality is the strongest enemy we face.

A unity is a perfect whole

Once, humanity formed such. These nights we are divided. We were broken apart, but some of us have begun hobbling ourselves together again. Our end is to be one as we were.

We do this by locating the lonely, the individual alienated from their self, and welcoming them into us. We have only to be vulnerable with them, to be true to them, to achieve our aim. Openness in friendship allows us to surmount even the most formidable bulwark.

The collective created is a unity. We must make it–or we won’t make it.

Some come with guns

Not all, but some. That is enough.

What’s the solution? A revolution.

We certainly know the cause. It’s due to our institutions. Therefore, let us hold nothing sacred.


They’re out there, you know, watching.

You can’t evade them. Not forever, at least. No one alone can overpower them. It takes an army. Will you fight for the cause?

Individualism is attractive, but it is unsustainable. None of us can survive for long without the help of our friends. Gather yours near to you and don’t let them go.

When it comes to media, you have to be careful. Even non-digital media can be dangerous. A written note can be intercepted, a code can be broken. It is best not to put anything into writing you wouldn’t want others to know. It isn’t a matter of if you will be found out, but when. They are everywhere, waiting.

Digital media must be treated with extreme caution. You need to understand that there is no such thing as a private email these nights. Yes, it appears that text messages are safe at the moment, but for how long? They are coming.